AD – Reset the pwdLastSet attribute using PowerShell

Update 17/03/2016: Added a download link for the script.

I had a requirement to change some of our AD accounts so that the password expired as per our company policy. Instead of having to call every user to see if they were on-site or not, I wanted a way of making the account adhere without causing the account to expire immediately. After a little look around the internet I found that you could reset the password last set date in AD which would cause the account to expire after x days that our policy defines with all the usual prompts.

Below is a Powershell script that I created to achieve this.

# This script sets a users account so that the password is to expire as per our policy,
# and resets the last password change date so that the user doesn't need login and change
# their password straight away.

# Define input parameters the script can accept.



	[bool]$Change = $False,

	[string]$LogFile = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Name + ".log"

$Culture = Get-Culture
If ((Test-Path $Logfile) -eq $False)
	# Add headers to the LogFile if it doesn't already exist.
	Add-Content $LogFile "sAMAccountName, LastChange, Today, Changed"

# Get the user & properties from AD
$ADUser = Get-ADUser -Filter {sAMAccountName -eq $sAMAccountName} -SearchScope Subtree -SearchBase $SearchBase -Properties Name,pwdLastSet,PasswordNeverExpires -Server $DNSDomainName

# Check that user exist before going further.
If($ADUser -eq $Null)
	Write-Host "User not found. Aborting."
	# Get the sAMAccountName from AD (Don't rely on the users input)
	$ADsAMAccountName = $ADUser.sAMAccountName

	# Get todays date and format it correctly.
	$Today = Get-Date -Format ($Culture.DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern)

	# Get the date of the last password change and format it correctly.
	$LastChange = Get-Date -Date ([DateTime]::FromFileTime($ADUser.pwdLastSet)) -Format ($Culture.DateTimeFormat.FullDateTimePattern)

	If ($Change -eq $True)
		# Set the password to expired, must be done first.
		$ADUser.pwdLastSet = 0
		# Set the account so that the password expires.
		$ADUser.PasswordNeverExpires = $False
		# Save the changes
		Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser -Server $DNSDomainName

		# Reset the date of the last password change to today.
		$ADUser.pwdLastSet = -1
		# Save the changes
		Set-ADUser -Instance $ADUser -Server $DNSDomainName

		# Inform the user of the script that the account was changed.
		Write-Host "Account Changed."

	# Log the change to the LogFile.
	Add-Content $LogFile "$ADsAMAccountName, $LastChange, $Today, $Change"

Download (Right click and click ‘Save Link as’)

Example syntax for the script

./<script>.ps1 -SearchBase "DC=contoso,DC=lan" -DNSDomainName "contoso.lan" -Change $True -sAMAccountName <accountName>

3 responses to “AD – Reset the pwdLastSet attribute using PowerShell

  1. Hi, I get The ampersand (&) character is not allowed. The & operator is reserved for future use; wrap an ampersand in double quotation marks (“&”) to pass it as part of a string.

    Which Powershell version did you use for this ?


    • It was a long time ago since I wrote the script. But from memory and a quick google you can only set the value to 0 (reset) or -1 (expired). What are you trying to achieve by changing it to a month back?


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